Patricia Green

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The eye of the storm ( a teacup)

Yes - the day between the last two days of the year.... perhaps a picture of a navel would be in order?

Assessment yesterday which I hope went well; although sometimes I really wish I could shut up a bit and not keep mouthing on; probably too late to change that aspect of oneself at this stage.

I completed my tour of the first year shows visiting fashion  - wow! what a lot of work - :

....and painting, and I was delighted to meet my first tutor Sylvia Shortall there and she gave me a tour of the work explaining what had been the objectives of various students; again a lot of work making the print studio look very prim and restrained!

The statements in many cases indicated quite intense and well-thought out positions.
One piece of work was derived from a visit to the basement -somehere I had never been so I went there immediately:

Must go back again when redecoration is over!
The last studio visit I carried out was our own  -  printmaking, and here is some of the work:
Emma Zukovic
Emma O'Hara

Liam Lewis

Karen Ryan

Rachael Daly

Eleanor Breen
Before I left I visited the Gallery where there is an exhibition of secondary school wotk - as far as I could gather put in by their teachers - some of which really caught the eye:

Impressive -from a second year.
Then took off for another tour of

shows in Limerick
First, however, I would like to pop back to last Thursday when Catherina and muself paid a quick visit to Shannon Rowing cub for a jewel of a show curated by Derek O'Sullivan called 'Liminal' and it comprised  two printmakers - Glen McAuley and - and a sculptor - Michella Perreira -whose work I had already noted in 'Nineteen':
Glen McAuley
Tea Leaves from Michella Perreira

Windows from Brian Gregory
I liked the idea of Liminal because it related so closely to my concentration on Edge in the initial (first semester) project. I think I will have to re-incorporate that into my thinking, particularly in relation to decay and grime -industrial, urban., physical and rural............well that about covers everything, doesn't it?
 Here are two pictures of disasters, albeit on a small scale , but maybe great for those concerned:
a whole bagful!
Back to yesterday and the tour; first stop was the Printmakers where there is a new show by Rochelle Lucey  - 'No Diesel'
I had to laugh when I walked into this because the first thing I see is a wall full of great paintings and  the reason I laughed was because earlier I had been saying to the assessors that I was quite keen not to eliminate paint from  my longer term approach and here it was:

The theme of the show relates to the number of garages that have closed and there is a rusted petrol pump together with some photos. Rochelle's painting focuses on abandoned petrol stations principally between Kerry and Limerick.
From there we went up to Faber studios in Henry Street, another space whose existence I had not known of till now and very nice it is with big windows inviting the public gaze and perhaps reducing the nervousness many people feel towards art galleries.
Rachel and Sharon were there minding the shop and quite a stock this shop has. I wish I had got to see it earlier as there was a lot I would have liked to spend more time over.

 The name of the show is WAMI - Words Are My Inspiration  - and the thinking is once again to demonstrate the  blurring of birders between disciplines. This really has been a recurrent theme this year's in the Third Year shows.
My feet were beginning to give out now as I wandered back up towards the railway station but on the way I picked up another image of industrial decay
You can't beat rust for random.

The final visit was a very brief one to
where I looked at their most recent selection from the permanent collection -a lot of  Irish landscapes; here are two:

Achill Head - Paul Henry
- a place I really love and have painted and drawn myself (aspirational!!)

A Connemara watercolour by Percy French   - the cloud edge around the sun is beautiful.

This has been a long post and I promise I won't do that to my viewers again but I wanted to get up to date - More often and shorter, I promise.

Clear out tomorrow.



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