Patricia Green

Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Bound Path

I have to disappoint my audience (if there is any) insofar as I had a fascinating day from a very productive one- on -one tutorial with Breda Lynch this morning who as always gave me more pointers and encouragement (always needed)  and on to a lecture and display of artists' books from Andi McGarry and Dennis Collins of Wexford Artists' Books Exhibition (These were from their collection which produced some simply amazing work) and finally in the afternoon to a workshop where we made a number of artists books under Andi's direction.

Now the sad thing is that I (for the first time, I would say)left my phone at home ......... so no pictures.

Tomorrow, I will pic the books I made and begin telling you about the other stuff that is in train in this area.

Also, tomorrow I plan to start work on a stone to make my first print for Façade Edge. 

Sorry for lack of pertinent images  but here are a few enigmatic pieces to be going on with:

Think about it

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