Patricia Green

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Stick it

Now that was not an invitation to my followers but an indication of what follows - a trifle abstruse?

OK some more pictures from a book of collage, most of which I am reproducing in very large format to try to retain their impact:

These two are by Jonathan Hernandez

These pieces by Thomas Hirschhorn I really like because of the sharpness and juxtaposition of his imagery and because of his fearlessness in showing the violence that underlies so much of what we look at daily.

These three are by Kim Jones and I particularly like the use of ink and acrylic over the paperwork; they are not dissimilar to the two from the Geri Allen album a few posts ago

Henrik Olesen's work has an effect  all the more disturbing for appearing so open when first viewed  - this is only a sample of a very wide practice.

Martha Rosler's series of photomontages 'Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful'  have a very specific application in that they relate war to mom, apple pie and all that America does not want associated with war
This by Nancy Spero is quite reminiscent of Hannah Hoch but uses more recent technology which would not have been available to Hoch; again Spero's practice is much wider than is apparent here but  this size would not do justice to her other work.

John Stezaker's speciality is this form of photomontage which inevitably leads to thoughts of schizoid personality and paranoia characteristic of western society in the last fifty years.
There are many other artists using various collage techniques very effectively and at a later date I will show some really sharp contemporary work.

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