I said I would explain regarding the arm image - well look at these:
These are the first copies of the hybrid edition - Liam and I produced ten of these - at least I should say Liam did the screenprinting and I just handled the paper; However we were under the misapprehension that that was it whereas we were supposed to do ten per person - anyway it worked out for the best because we started a new ten with Liam's tree as the base and we will screen the arm on again but in a different format. So even if you think you are finished there is nearly always more to do.
The screenpriner again - I spent a very long day at this last week
Here you can see one of the SkinShreds up to cyan. It was necessary to put a white layer in first as CMYK is quite transparent and would not show well against the quite intense colours of the digital print. It all went quite well except that one of the shreds was a bit messed up because the size of the print caused it to be trapped under the pin of the bed. I will get a picture when it is hanging.
These are three prints from the collographic plates I showed in the last post; there is a coloured one of the middle piece which I did not photograph unfortunately as it is much better than the monochrome. The skin effect of the top one has great possibilities for further development.
Here is another picture to whet your appetite - I will explain in my next post what this was all about:
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