Patricia Green

Monday, 10 June 2013

Keira is Cool

Well Hello There;
Been gone awhile -eight days to be precise but there has been a lot happening in this household at both ends of the age spectrum: last Tuesday (June 4) saw the arrival(late) of another grandchild and last Saturday (June 8) saw the celebration of an eightieth birthday; both events happened in Dublin so it meant that your correspondent was away from the screen for most of that time - other duties .
 However that is not to say that the art world was forgotten -far from it indeed.

There were rather more participants in the second event than the first and every age was covered but most pertinently I met up with a young artist who was very keen to hear all about what I was doing and I promised her that I would put her card up on the blog:

Believe me Keira IS cool - at seven years of age her ability to project her standing as an artist could be emulated by many more mature (so-called) artists. She had produced a little piece of art for every person at the function..........and there were at least thirty - Rock on, Keira: we'll talk more.

That wasn't the only interesting thing to happen -towards the evening I was talking to a family member who lives in London and I was pressed to come to London in October for a private tour of Frieze - I think that could fall into the ambit of contextual studies, n'est -ce pas?

A number of other art events took place which I will return to in my next post but just to show the hand is always at work:

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