Patricia Green

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

The coolest path

First some housekeeping:

Its a bit short notice but the MA students are giving an open presentation of their subjects in the church gallery tomorrow and they would appreciate as many as possible there - its always better to deliver to a fuller house - remember : it could be you
Now watch this:
Then, if that hasn't done it for you ......try this
This is work by Tony Oursler and I wouldn't have known about him other than doing the Gothic seminar and consequently getting  Gilda Williams' book Gothic which comes from the excellent Whitechapel imprint.
Well it is steadily turning into being all about the body, isn't it?
Here is a 'body drawing from the other day in the studio at home:
very much without thinking - you could call it Dissolving Forms
But here is something a bit different
------ Which I have not been able to show you because this program will not upload a PSD file 
But it will be here tomorrow!
I have done some more work with the stake so those will be here tomorrow also
Watch this space for steadily developing strangeness.

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