Patricia Green

Saturday, 28 June 2014

The beginning of a book project

I made something today which  , in the greater scheme of things could not be considered of enormous import ..... but it pleased me a lot.... and it was a follow-up from that comment about approaching bigger things:
This is the cover....

and this is the open book- an absolute jewel
and this was what I did:

 I couldn't believe that this could be done 'at home'
Needless to say this was simple a practice run but I have an idea.
Later I was looking out at this:
from this:
....great for letting the imagination wander
Here are some of the products of the said imaginative wandering
But this is more important because this is the prototype page for a small book of prints:
Anyway that's where things stand and to finish with another shot of of something strange:
the car as furniture.

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