Patricia Green

Friday, 11 October 2013

Best Day

Okay, its official! Friday really is the best day in the school week and Des agrees.

I went in this morning with a carefully laid out timetable: so much to monoprint, so much to drawing, so much to library und so weiter (as our German friends would say) but the workshop was so pleasant - full of lovely coloured inks and equally lovely people that I am afraid monoprinting carried right on to the afternoon and even though I meant to take a picture of the ink layout - unfortunately the paws were too mucky and it would have been too difficult to clean them and restart.
I think some of the prints were quite interesting but we will see on Monday and we will take some shots.

Yesterday we had a long crit with Sercan which was really good all round I felt, and I said at the time that I haven't been mentioning any influential artists: but when looking at the monumental teeth Henry Moore (whose work has always been in my mind from those early days of the Trinity open-air exhibition) immediately came to mind.

So today I went on my first perambulation and stopped off at the Hunt to look at their small but attractive show of  drawings, prints, models and small-scale pieces. I was not remitted to take pictures but here at two images from my own books of the piece whose model was there:

Knife Edge Two Piece 1962
Here is a sketch done on the spot:
I probably more enjoyed doing that that taking a photo anyway.
Then onwards to LCGA which just opened a new show last night:
and on the inside...

The first of these was very interesting in that Shinnors Scholar Aoibheann McCarthy got a group of young people to make a selection from the permanent collection and amazingly there were quite  a number of prints and drawings. Here are a few:

Both  etches by Dietrich Blodau
Drawing -Donald  Teskey

Oil - Gavin Hogg
Safety Net - Screenprint by Karen Giusti

Prints  by Alice Maher

Trudging up the stairs - sudden flash of colour presided over by small man:

I have to admit I was getting tired so I didn't really give Difference Engine the attention they deserved but here are a few intriguing shots:
Really beautiful drawing from Wendy Judge

On the train I read all their material and was quite intrigued and I will certainly return and examine the whole project more closely; however this does beg a question - if one doesn't read the groups' statement might one not derive the same amount of artistic reaction and if so what does that say about the art concerned?
One other event tonight really does deserve comment and that is the reopening of IMMA. If things had worked out I could have been there tonight but I will visit shortly and report. I am glad that it has reopened because there was talk that IMMA and National were to be put under one management  - not a good idea..... artistically, anyway.

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