Patricia Green

Sunday, 27 April 2014

The back straight

I have been reading up a good bit on Robert Smithson who died tragically at 35 while on ra flight to survey for a new piece of large scale work. He is most famous for:

Spiral Jetty - Great Salt Lake Utah - which is now invisible as the water level has risen (shades of Deliverance about which I was recently writing). However what is not perhaps realised is that Smithson was very interested in the process of decay of the built environment also and he was fascinated by the decaying mining equipment around the side of the lake. I would be very interested in pursuing that possibility with regard to shopping centres and in seeking out ruined "malls" and documenting what can happen to once glossy establishments.
Binaries again - growth/decay ; gloss/rot ; steel/rust;  enamel/ get the picture.
Back into school tomorrow - exam first - then hand in essay.
Nice to check the to-do list from beginning of vac and find that everything has been checked off- watch out for smugness - smack in the kisser coming !!!
Here are another couple of images:
This one you have seen before but what about this:
This is an Andy Warhol print from 1966 and it looks as if similar ideas are at work here!!
Ok -back to the coal face.
Ps every so often I need to ressure myself that I can still draw because not enough is being done, so here is something I did the other day:
Peter Mathiessen - writer - recently died


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