Patricia Green

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Monochrome Path

I had omitted to mention in my last few missives the impact of photography and digital media so here are some images to make up for that :

The developed negatives

The contact sheet
Some test strips for enlarger exposure

Some prints including someone we know; the last one was a disappointment because it was a good shot of a guy in the street -however there was damage to the negative
The finished prints
The other area of activity has of course been the collages and these have taken on a life of their own
to a point where a number of them are going to constitute the required digital images although I can admit that at last I am beginning to make some headway with Photoshop. Here are some:

I am really not sure that any comment would add anything except that I am not sure where these images are coming from
Finally I should show where the woodcut finished for now:
I would say I am quite pleased  but I feel the project merits further development; I wasn't very happy with my registration and for the future I think  I will always make my own specific reg sheet.
OK enough  -train is arriving in Limerick.

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