Patricia Green

Sunday, 17 February 2013

After diversion, the path resumes

Sunday night and tomorrow calls third elective -Sculpture and Combined Media.

Totally open mind on this although I have been working my way through Vitamin  3-D : New Perspectives in Sculpture and Installation and going through the three volumes of Taschen's Art Now.
All of these have been useful for checking the artists on the introductory list but many others catch the eye and one in particular interested me prior to this and still does:

Ernesto Neto

I have also started working through the various magazines and journals noted on the list and already the differences in approach in different publications is quite striking. I'll talk more about them later.
But here are a couple more - different again:

Vincent Fecteau


Iran do Espirito Santo
Over the next few weeks I will enter more of these and some will go into my contextual notebook.
There is one query outstanding in my mind though  - is all sculpture of the past to be ignored?
Have to get that clear.
Meantime I have been working on two other projects  - blocks for the Delete-Press show 'Full' in Thurles in March and  the Drawing Awards show next week. I have some ideas in progress for this but I have misgivings about them . Have to think a bit more.
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