I know people think students just sit around scratching various parts of their anatomy meditatively (well, the males, anyway) but some work does happen even if it might be a little pointless.
Anyway the book re-established itself in the forefront of consciousness over the last few days with this result:
the book in the press
out of the press
showing endpapers
using the first pages - drawing then W/C
The reason I show all this is that it was an exercise in using what is available - the pages were made from offcuts of Fabriano left after big sheets had been sized for the digital printer; the board or the case (cover) is again offcut after a bigger job. However the real advance here is that I made my own bookcloth by ironing on Heat n' Bond to fabric which with the addition of tissue then becomes cuttable and glueable onto board to form the case for the book.
The great thing about this is that I think I can at last finish my little edition of 'To The Edge' which is pending since last summer - watch this sp........
Back to Dissolution
When I was beginning work on the Box I first tried caustic soda to try to destroy the surface but it wasn't fast enough - and the blowtorch was much more fun. However I recently came across the results of the caustic soda and maybe I should have had a bit more patience...
....because a few days of decay will do much for the process of dissolution (dear me, how turgid!)
back to the pictures - here are a few more:
There is another crop maturing at present and it may produce better images.
As regards interesting images, I have shot another couple of rolls of 120 with the Holga and later I will scan them in for crit.
Two last shots from the festive season:
Buddy - a well-known 'charachter' in Rathfarnam circles found Christmas difficult,
but ultimately, the pig ruled
"Will nobody rid me of this of this turbulent pig?"
-apologies to Henry II